Blessings of Jasmine
Moving above and beyond pain and trauma, and reclaiming the sanctuary within.
Whether you have experienced emotional or physical pain and abuse, there can be a new beginning, spiritual healing and restitution in which your past no longer governs your present and future. My mission is to serve your soul evolution and clear the karmic patterns that hold you back from the embodiment of your greatest self and divinity.
After having been a psychotherapist for 20 years specializing in clearing trauma, I now offer Personal Sessions providing energy healing and spiritual counsel for individuals and couples (in person, on the phone or on-line). In addition, I offer two on-going, on-line programs with open enrollment. One is called Aphrodite’s Temple, in which I teach about how to take care of your energy field as a sensitive and embody your higher self as a means for manifestation and prayer. And, the other program is called The Serpentine Breath, which is a method in restorative breathing. In working with me, you will have a multi-faceted energy healing experience that will bring you to a place of deep peace, relaxation, joy, self worth, and self-love.
If you are interested in Personal Sessions, Aphrodite's Temple or The Serpentine Breath, please email me for a consultation at:
You can follow and receive the transmissions of my multi-media art here:
Personal Sessions
Aphrodite's Temple
The Serpentine Breath

My Offerings
During our sessions, I always do an intuitive read to see how to support you best on your journey. I will read your energy field, tune into messages from your guides, look at the map of your astrology chart for guiding you, and occasionally read tarot to support your best choices. I also teach you to tune into your own wisdom and guidance so that you can learn to be your own best guide. And, my number one goal is to empower you to be your own best guidance system. Furthermore, I will offer you energy work and blessings as need to support you on your journey.
Join me in a 6 week group on-line program in which I teach you skills on how to ground, clear your energy field, create energetic boundaries and how to grow the light in your being and life circumstances.
Join me in a 2 hour workshop in which I teach you a restorative method of breathing, called The Serpentine Breath.
This is a restorative and rehabilitative breathing meditation technique that is designed for active as well as older adults who want to initiate self healing, relieve pain, clear stress and have greater access to their vital life force. Participants will be taught 10 skills that make up the Serpentine Breath, which uses the breath to activate complex, internal movements that emulate a wave motion in the body.
“I have had profound non-verbal changes in myself, and gained much more inner strength from my work with Jasmine.”
“I had major spinal surgery and severe chronic pain for over a decade. The day after my first session with Jasmine I had absolutely no pain whatsoever in my body.”
“Wow, so I am still pretty amazed by the work we did the other day–it was strong and out of my usual experience to be sure–like a serious jolt that hung with me for days–! You have a remarkable power, to be sure, and I love how much it transcends my ‘familiar’.”
“Jasmine leads one of the most centered and safe processes I have ever been involved in. Her verbal explanations/teachings of embodiment connected with the fluid body motions, centered breath and resonant soundings has allowed me to shift out of my mind’s tendency to go into effort and struggle. I am discovering that the critical mind chatter is not my true loving self and the discernment to lovingly accept that chatter when it arises but not allow it to rule my being. I can not stress enough the caring mentoring that Jillian brings to this work that makes me feel supported and included, how this transforms scary thoughts and feelings into joy in both emotions and dis-ease in my body. She provides great spiritual counsel with a powerful connection to the higher realms of spiritual growth and clarity!”
“The experience Jasmine takes one through, can only be described as magical. Incredibly, I was guided through a telephone session into a process of kundalini expansion within my third eye. Today, I felt a completely new sensation – that of experiencing Nirvana… within the 6th chakra. My vision and inner knowingness, and my inner-connectivity will surely blossom with this work. Jilian is a supremely gifted healer, highly ethical, and a very devoted student to the Divine Supreme Light. It is with her supreme focus and intention, that these highly individualized activations can occur.”
“My experience, if I can put such into words, was a comfortably safe and uplifting experience, not limited by time and space, a seemingly ancient sensation which took me back to my familiar root and grounding me, while filling my spirit with peace, joy and relaxation. So very worthwhile. That one hour removed the stress of my whole week. Thank you Jasmine.”
“Hey Jasmine – acknowledging the transmission last night! Throughout the eve – I held my heart – even at times I tried to pull my hand away but magnetically it would return to “just the right spot”. Driving home my heart felt so soft – I truly felt the transmission was entering into the sternum and my entire rib basket across my chest. The feeling hasn’t left – it only deepens. Thank you for doing what you do – being the vessel and trusting your own guidance.”
“I was searching for some gentle energy movement work that would compliment my spiritual path in the Diamond Logos. I’m so grateful I found Jasmine and the awakening energy she transmits. The issues I need to face arise for me to examine. It’s sometimes scary and uncomfortable but I wanted to be more in my body and less in my head and that is what has happened for me. I also find that my essential experiences are more accessible and the shifts happen more quickly. The work I do with the Diamond Logos and with Jasmine's energy work frees me. It seems enlightenment can have a comfortably ordinary quality to it. It just makes us more human. I highly recommend it.”
“Jasmine is a beautiful sacred dancer, channel of the goddess, ceremonialist and healer among many other talents. She is the kind of person that you can feel a divine spark being activated in yourself and your own energy field in relation to the goddess and her intoxicating kundalini energy. She also inspires the honey-like sweetness of the heart.”